Lent 2024
February 14 - March 28
Ash Wednesday Service February 14 at 7pm:
We will join together in remembering that from dust we have been made and to dust, we will return.
Weekly 24h Fasting:
Starting February 20th, every Tuesday to Wednesday evening, we'll fast on water alone for 24 hours. This helps us empathize with those who suffer constantly and reminds us of our dual nature as both body and soul. Instead of focusing on food, we'll dedicate extra time to connecting with God and seeking His guidance.
Lent Prayer Nights:
Wednesday evenings we will come together for a one-hour night of prayer and worship at 7pm in the sanctuary as we break our fasts together.
Weekly Lent Devotionals:
We are releasing a weekly prayer podcast throughout the season of Lent (daily during Holy Week) designed to guide you through repentance and restoration in Christ. We hope these podcasts will be a tool that will guide you into prayer as you begin and end each day.
Good Friday interactive service March 29th at 7pm:
We will gather together for an hour-long interactive prayer and worship service inspired by the stations of the cross. There will be nursery provided only as the prayer exercises will be designed to include and teach all ages of our community.
Easter Sunday Worship Services on March 31 at 9:30 and 11:15am:
The season of Lent concludes with Holy Saturday, giving way to resurrection celebration on Easter Sunday, when followers of Jesus celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. We rejoice in Jesus’ power over death and the hope of all things made new. Gather with us as we worship and celebrate.
What is Lent?
In Christian tradition, Lent precedes Easter, lasting 40 days (excluding Sundays). During Lent, believers reflect and often give up certain pleasures, inspired by Jesus' 40-day fast in Matthew 4:1-11.
Ash Wednesday marks its start, with ashes forming a cross on foreheads, symbolizing humanity's limits and need for redemption.
But there's hope! Lent's fasting leads to Easter's celebration, starting with Holy Saturday and climaxing on Resurrection Sunday. Here, Christians rejoice in Jesus' triumph over death, symbolizing renewal and the power of faith. Lent reminds us of our need for salvation and the promise of new beginnings through Christ's resurrection.