Pennington AG Church
Livestream Project
We made a decision in 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic to pre-record all of our online content. We did this for two reasons. First, it allowed us to provide the highest quality virtual service we could at the time and second, it allowed us to avoid the steep financial costs of building a live-streaming infrastructure during an uncertain time.
Nearing two years of pre-recording we have discovered its limitations on our worship, preaching, and media teams that spend another day of the week recording, every-single-week. It also does not capture the unique beauty of what happens when our church gathers in the room on a Sunday morning. Live streaming will allow anyone to experience exactly what is happening in real time from prayer times, spotlights, live worship and preaching. Live streaming will expand the reach and influence of our Sunday services and create a new front door for anyone looking for a community to explore their faith.
Since we have no infrastructure for live streaming as it is, we have the opportunity to build it from the ground up so that it will be high quality and able to grow with us long-term. In order to do this we will need to invest into our hardware and team as we prepare to move to livestreaming.
We need you to partner with us to bring live-streaming to PAG. Help us expand the mission of leading people to Jesus, by donating to Kingdom Builders which will provide us with the hardware we need to begin streaming this year. This is a Kingdom Builders project, as a part of Local Church Expansion. Our goal is to raise $10,000 to purchase equipment like cameras, computers, and cables, All used to bring the gospel to people and places that we couldn’t reach before.
Thank you for helping lead people to Jesus in person, and online.
Below is a list of equipment that we need in order to livestream our services. You can select one of these items to give to in support of the livestream project. Or you may give any amount where you regular give your Kingdom Builders offerings, either online here, or in person on a giving envelope (just be sure to write "livestream").