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Our parking team is the first point of contact that guests encounter when
arriving at Pennington AG. It is their objective to send a strong message of love and create a welcoming
atmosphere. We are convinced the message starts in the parking lot.


Not sure what team to join? Try Growth Track! Growth Track will connect you to our teams by learning God-given gifts.

Our check in team is a part of the larger Welcome Team that helps create

an inviting atmosphere by safely and securely checking children in to our Kid’s Ministry environments. They serve parents to efficiently get their kids settled into our nursery, preschool and/or

elementary areas.


To ensure that all who walk through the doors of Pennington AG will experience a warm, welcoming, and inviting atmosphere. It is our desire to make sure that all newcomers feel welcomed from the moment they drive on to the property and to continue to feel valued, accepted, and loved as they walk through the doors. Our goal is to ensure that all newcomers will be guided to the welcome center to receive a gift, encouraged by a friendly and caring team member to leave contact information on, so that we may follow through in our follow-up processes and quickly get newcomers to assimilate through the Growth Track progression.


Serve at the Welcome Center before and after each service, ready to answer questions about our church, and provide information regarding church events. Volunteers facilitate sign ups on and offer a special gift to first time guests.


The cafe team helps create the warm, inviting environment that is a large part of what people experience when they come to Pennington AG for the first time or the thousandth time. A quick orientation on our coffee machines, a willingness to be a gracious host and greeting people is all that is required for this team.


You may not have known that Pennington AG even had a safety team and thats the way we like it. These volunteers, when serving effectively, sort of blend in to our environment, all the while ensuring the safety and order of all Sunday Services and events.


Create a welcoming and inviting environment as they serve people in the sanctuary
during services. Finding guests a seat, serving communion, answering questions and receiving
our offerings are a few things they are responsible for doing,


The Care team is a huge part of creating a loving environment at Pennington AG. They follow up
with our new guests, provide meals for those who are sick or visit people form our church who
are in the hospital.


This team is a huge part of helping people get to our church who can’t on their own. You pick them up and take them home using the church van.


Cleanliness is also a huge first impression of how people will view our church. Help make sure it is clean and welcoming for everyone who attends. If you prefer to work alone, this is a great team for you!


The Admin Team at PenningtonAG exists to promote organization and keep things running smoothly in the office and Church.



Egg Hunt, Trunk or Treat, Block Party and other

Church-wide events are creatively planned and energetically hosted by this team who places priority on valuing people and serving with excellence.


Our parking team is the first point of contact that guests encounter when
arriving at Pennington AG. It is their objective to send a strong message of love and create a welcoming
atmosphere. We are convinced the message starts in the parking lot.


Serve at the Welcome Center before and after each service, ready to answer questions about our church, and provide information regarding church events. Volunteers facilitate sign ups on and offer a special gift to first time guests.


The cafe team helps create the warm, inviting environment that is a large part of what people experience when they come to Pennington AG for the first time or the thousandth time. A quick orientation on our coffee machines, a willingness to be a gracious host and greeting people is all that is required for this team.


You may not have known that Pennington AG even had a safety team and thats the way we like it. These volunteers, when serving effectively, sort of blend in to our environment, all the while ensuring the safety and order of all Sunday Services and events.


Create a welcoming and inviting environment as they serve people in the sanctuary
during services. Finding guests a seat, serving communion, answering questions and receiving
our offerings are a few things they are responsible for doing,


The Care team is a huge part of creating a loving environment at Pennington AG. They follow up
with our new guests, provide meals for those who are sick or visit people form our church who
are in the hospital.


This team is a huge part of helping people get to our church who can’t on their own. You pick them up and take them home using the church van.


Cleanliness is also a huge first impression of how people will view our church. Help make sure it is clean and welcoming for everyone who attends. If you prefer to work alone, this is a great team for you!


The Admin Team at PenningtonAG exists to promote organization and keep things running smoothly in the office and Church.



Egg Hunt, Trunk or Treat, Block Party and other

Church-wide events are creatively planned and energetically hosted by this team who places priority on valuing people and serving with excellence.


Creative team exists to create an artistic, cohesive, and spiritual culture based upon the church’s core values. Creating an atmosphere that clearly exemplifies the beauty of our creator and faith.

The facility team exists in order to give God glory by keeping the church and property a place that looks good and is safe for our community to worship. We want our facility to be an extension of our lives so that people will see and know Christ by our example.


The worship team exists to bring people into worship of God. The team exists to play music to their best ability in praise of God, and to limit distraction from the stage as much as possible while doing so. Worship of God is a crucial part of why we gather together as a body. Psalm 22:3 says that God is enthroned on the praises of His people. Our worship of Him, while valuable and enjoyable to us, isn’t about us, it’s about the One worthy of praise.



Our parking team is the first point of contact that guests encounter when
arriving at Pennington AG. It is their objective to send a strong message of love and create a welcoming
atmosphere. We are convinced the message starts in the parking lot.


Our parking team is the first point of contact that guests encounter when arriving at Pennington AG. It is their objective to send a strong message of love and create a welcoming atmosphere. We are convinced the message starts in the parking lot.



Our check in team is a part of the larger Welcome Team that helps create an inviting atmosphere by safely and securely checking children in to our Kid’s Ministry environments. They serve parents to efficiently get their kids settled into our nursery, preschool and/or elementary areas.



To ensure that all who walk through the doors of Pennington AG will experience a warm, welcoming, and inviting atmosphere. It is our desire to make sure that all newcomers feel welcomed from the moment they drive on to the property and to continue to feel valued, accepted, and loved as they walk through the doors. Our goal is to ensure that all newcomers will be guided to the welcome center to receive a gift, encouraged by a friendly and caring team member to leave contact information on, so that we may follow through in our follow-up processes and quickly get newcomers to assimilate through the Growth Track progression.



Serve at the Welcome Center before and after each service, ready to answer questions about our church, and provide information regarding church events. Volunteers facilitate sign ups on and offer a special gift to first time guests.



The cafe team helps create the warm, inviting environment that is a large part of what people experience when they come to Pennington AG for the first time or the thousandth time. A quick orientation on our coffee machines, a willingness to be a gracious host and greeting people is all that is required for this team.



You may not have known that Pennington AG even had a safety team and thats the way we like it. These volunteers, when serving effectively, sort of blend in to our environment, all the while ensuring the safety and order of all Sunday Services and events.



Create a welcoming and inviting environment as they serve people in the sanctuary
during services. Finding guests a seat, serving communion, answering questions and receiving
our offerings are a few things they are responsible for doing.



The Care team is a huge part of creating a loving environment at Pennington AG. They follow up
with our new guests, provide meals for those who are sick or visit people form our church who
are in the hospital.



This team is a huge part of helping people get to our church who can’t on their own. You pick them up and take them home using the church van. 



Cleanliness is also a huge first impression of how people will view our church. Help make sure it is clean and welcoming for everyone who attends. If you prefer to work alone, this is a great team for you!



The Admin Team at PenningtonAG exists to promote organization and keep things running smoothly in the office and Church.



Block Party and other Church-wide events are creatively planned and energetically hosted by this team who places priority on valuing people and serving with excellence.



The facility team exists in order to give God glory by keeping the church and property a place that looks good and is safe for our community to worship. We want our facility to be an extension of our lives so that people will see and know Christ by our example.



Creative team exists to create an artistic, cohesive, and spiritual culture based upon the church’s core values. Creating an atmosphere that clearly exemplifies the beauty of our creator and faith.



The worship team exists to bring people into worship of God. The team exists to play music to their best ability in praise of God, and to limit distraction from the stage as much as possible while doing so. Worship of God is a crucial part of why we gather together as a body. Psalm 22:3 says that God is enthroned on the praises of His people. Our worship of Him, while valuable and enjoyable to us, isn’t about us, it’s about the One worthy of praise.



Production Team exists to enable the worship team and pastoral staff to effectively usher the congregation into the presence of God every Sunday morning and during special events.



The Prayer team of PenningtonAG, will stand in the gap for the prayer needs of our church and community. It will consist of trained intercessors who will fulfill the prayer needs of the congregants during Sunday service alter calls and Monthly Worship nights. Join this team
that is blazing the trail for God in our town.



Help lead the Teenagers of our youth group, The Youth Warehouse. Join us on either a Friday night with our Middle Schoolers, Or a Wednesday Night With our High Schoolers, both nights from 7-9PM. You will lead, or assist leading a Youth Small Group, while setting the example of one who's growing in faith.



Help lead the Children of our Church! This team creates an environment where children are consistently exposed to the real love of Jesus. They intentionally invest in the lives of our children through, videos, skits, small groups, greeting, games and more. Serve in one age group, Nursery, Preschool, or Elementary. 



Small Groups at Pennington AG exist to ensure growth and maintain connections outside of the Sunday service. Small groups have four main objectives:
1. LIFE TOGETHER, through forming deeper relationships and community in both group sessions
and connections outside

2. LEARN TOGETHER, by growing spiritually with Biblically-based curriculums, open leader-led
discussions and reflection on where you are growing spiritually
3. PRAY TOGETHER, by and with your leaders, with each other, and through worship events
4. SERVE TOGETHER, inside the group through fellowship meals, and outside as a group at
church sponsored outreaches and local area needs



Help host Growth Track! You will either help set-up, prepare food, or just be a smiling face.

Not sure what team to join? Try Growth Track! Growth Track will connect you to our teams by learning God-given gifts.

Our Teams

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